Website Badge

You can help to promote your fundraising campaign by putting a badge on your website.

You can download the badge below, and use this to link to another page on your website where you can invite your network/community supporters to bring phones to your location.

TIP: You can have our logo link to a page on your site where you can give instructions on how to send in phones for your organization! Below is an example of what you can put on your site:

[INSERT YOUR ORGANIZATION NAME] participates in raising funds with You can contribute to [INSERT YOUR ORGANIZATION NAME] just by bringing your used cell phones/PDAs and inkjet cartridges to be recycled, to our location and will pay us cash!

Thank you for supporting [INSERT YOUR ORGANIZATION NAME HERE]!

Please let us know if you have any questions or if we can help with you with this process by clicking here or calling 1.800.873.8908.